Inspiratsioon ja kontaktid - sisekujundus, sisustus, ehitus, aed!

stone houses

Logo - BAUROC AS | The largest aerated concrete manufacturer in Northern Europe
Andja küla, Rakvere vald, 44209 Lääne-Virumaa
+372 329 5050

Bauroc AS is a construction materials company in Estonia that produces Bauroc aerated concrete products and is part of the Bauroc International group.

Logo - LOSSIKIVI OÜ - Sale of natural stones
Laane 4, 75501 Saku, Harjumaa
+372 503 5141

Lossikivi started working with natural stone extracting, processing and selling in autumn 1990. We have worked with many different natural stone materials and thanks to our work Ungru limestone regained its place in the market as a building material.

Logo - MENDALI OÜ natural stones
Vana-Narva mnt 1a, 74114 Maardu, Harjumaa
+372 641 3397

Natural stones

Pistikupesad, lülitid, valgustid, nutikodu lahendused!
Logo - EHTEKS OÜ construction inspection, building works
Meelespea 9, 76401 Laagri, Harjumaa
+372 5627 6326 (Erki Laiakask)

construction inspection

Logo - AS YIT Eesti
Pärnu mnt 102c,11312 Tallinn, Harjumaa
+372 665 2100
Logo - Merko Ehitus Eesti
Järvevana tee 9g, 11314 Tallinn, Harjumaa
+372 680 5105
Logo puudub - Saint-Gobain Eesti AS Weber, Fibo
Peterburi tee 75, 11415 Tallinn, Harjumaa
+372 620 9510

Contact (sisekujundus – sisustus - ehitus - aed) - E-post: info @
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