Inspiratsioon ja kontaktid - sisekujundus, sisustus, ehitus, aed!

ehituskivid, müüriplokid, müürisegud

Logo - BAUROC AS | The largest aerated concrete manufacturer in Northern Europe
Andja küla, Rakvere vald, 44209 Lääne-Virumaa
+372 329 5050

Bauroc AS is a construction materials company in Estonia that produces Bauroc aerated concrete products and is part of the Bauroc International group.

Logo - PUUMARKET AS building materials
Väike-Männiku 11, 11216 Tallinn, Harjumaa
+372 655 9232

Wooden materials

Logo - MENDALI OÜ natural stones
Vana-Narva mnt 1a, 74114 Maardu, Harjumaa
+372 641 3397

Natural stones

Logo - ESPAK AS | Building materials
Viadukti 42, 11313 Tallinn, Harjumaa
+372 651 2301

Interior decoration and building materials

Logo - BAUHAUS EESTI | ehituspoed Tallinnas
Kaeravälja tn 3 ja Tähesaju tee 8
+372 602 9400;+372 602 9200
Logo puudub - Saint-Gobain Eesti AS Weber, Fibo
Peterburi tee 75, 11415 Tallinn, Harjumaa
+372 620 9510

Logo puudub - KESKO SENUKAI ESTONIA AS K-rauta ehituspoed
Pärnu mnt 102c (5. korrus), 11312 Tallinn, Harjumaa
+372 630 9700

Riia 128, 51011 Tartu, Tartumaa
+372 733 1350

Contact (sisekujundus – sisustus - ehitus - aed) - E-post: info @
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